Clean & Seal

your Teak Decking


What is our “Clean & Seal Teak Treatment”:

Teak Decking will get gray, dry, and cracked over time if it is not taken care of. You should NOT let the teak decking on your boat get this way - it is not healthy for the teak wood to age improperly.

Teak wood is a lot like human skin…let me explain. Human skin is naturally oily, just like teak wood. Human skin ages, and as it ages it starts to become dry and it wrinkles. As teak wood ages, it also becomes dry, gray, and cracks. Many people will moisture their skin as they get older to keep it healthy. Teak wood also needs proper maintenance as it ages to keep it healthy.

Teak is a living organism. When teak turns gray, it means it is drying out and losing its necessary oil to stay healthy. When teak turns black in some areas, it is “going bad” - oils spoil. Mold and mildew will grow in the fibers of the teak. Mold and mildew is not beneficial to the teak. It is just another cry for help.

Here’s How We Keep Teak Decking Healthy:

We complete a two-part acid wash to rid of any grime that is in the teak grain, such as the mold and mildew mentioned above, natural human oils, suntan lotion, and anything else that may find its way onto the teak wood. The acid wash cleans, cleanses, and restores the natural beauty of the teak.

Then, we apply a sealer. The sealer requires a couple coats for best protection. The sealer is not an oil and it is not a varnish. Varnish applications are for hand railings and accessory pieces. Oil is best for tables. Decks do best with the sealer. The sealer is a once a year application and comes in various shades of color to best fit you and your yacht. The sealer comes in natural, red tint, brown tint, and yellow tint.